[원문] Revival for Justice

2007-04-20     Jim Wallis

1. revival : 되살아나는(되살리는) 과정이나 행위, 또는 상태 ; 과거의 특정 문화적 양상이 다시 만들어지거나 다시 흥미를 일으키는 것 ; 종교적 신앙이나 영성이 새로워지는 시기. (the act or process of reviving or state of being revived ; a renewed interest, especially in old customs, fashions, styles, etc ; a new production or performance, especially of an old play or one that has not recently been staged ; a period of renewed religious faith and spirituality)
2. revival for justice : revival of justice는 justice가 부활한다는 의미지만, for justice이므로, justice를 위해 일어나야 할 어떤 부활을 뜻한다.

Some years ago on a trip to the U.K., I walked through the historic Holy Trinity Church on Clapham Common in South London. This Anglican parish was the home church to William Wilberforce, the abolitionist parliamentarian who wrote Britain's anti-slave-trade legislation. Wilberforce and a group of Christian fellow parliamentarians and lay people known as "the Saints" were behind many social reforms that swept England in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The current vicar was very proud to show me around. On the wall were pictures of these typically English-looking gentlemen who helped to turn their country upside down.

1. walked through : 구경하면서 빠져나가는 것을 뜻한다. ‘대충 훑어보다’는 의미로 많이 쓰인다.
2. parish : 사제나 목사가 섬기는 구역. 주로 특정한 지역에 자리 잡은 교회를 일컫는다. 영국에서는 지방 정부의 가장 작은 행정구역을 말하기도 한다. (a district or area served by its own church and priest or minister ; usually the established church of that particular area ; especially in England, the smallest unit of local government. Also called civil parish)
3. lay : 사제직이 아닌, 특정 주제에 대한 전문적인 지식이 없는 (사람들). (relating to or involving people who are not members of the clergy ; not having specialized or professional knowledge of a particular subject)
4. behind : 다음에 명사형이 나오면 전치사, 명사가 뒤따르지 않으면 부사로 이해한다. 1차적으로 어떤 것(또는 어떤 사람)의 뒤에 있다는 의미인데, 어떤 것보다 늦거나 제 시간보다 늦는 것을 뜻하며, ‘지지하는’이란 뜻도 지닌다. (at or towards the back or the far side of something or someone ; later or slower than something; after in time ; supporting)
5. vicar : 교구의 목사 또는 목사 대리. (the minister of a parish ; Church a bishop’s deputy)
6. On the wall were pictures of ~ : pictures부터 문장 끝까지가 주부. 주어가 길어서 부사구가 앞으로 온 도치 구문.
7. turn ~ upside down : ~를 거꾸로 하다, 뒤집다 ; 혼란케 하다.

Finally, the vicar pointed to an old, well-worn table. "This is the table upon which William Wilberforce wrote the antislavery act," he said proudly. "We now use this table every Sunday for communion." I was struck - here, in dramatic liturgical symbol, the secular and the sacred are brought together with powerful historical force. How did we ever separate them? What became of religion that believed its duty was to change its society on behalf of justice?

1. act : 여기서는 ‘입법부에 의해 통과된 법령이나 조례’의 뜻으로 쓰였다. (a statute or law passed by a legislature )
2. communion : 성찬식, 또는 성찬의 빵과 포도주. 사고나 신념, 또는 느낌을 공유하는 것(모임)을 뜻하기도 한다. (a church service at which bread and wine are taken as symbols of Christ’s body and blood ; the consecrated bread and wine ; the sharing of thoughts, beliefs or feelings ; a group of people sharing the same religious beliefs)
3. strike(struck) : ‘치다’라는 뜻인데, ‘강하게 부딪치다’는 의미를 함축한다. 마음을 강하게 치는 것은 특별한 인상을 남긴다는 의미로도 연결된다. (to hit someone or something ; to give a blow to them ; to come or bring into heavy contact with someone or something ; to make a particular impression on someone)
4. liturgical : 표준적인 예배의, 성찬예식의. (liturgy : the standard form of service in a church ; the service of Holy Communion in the Eastern Orthodox Church)
5. bring together : ~을 긁어모으다 ; 묶다, 합치다 ; ~을 접촉[재회, 화해]시키다.
6. become of ~ : ~에게 일어나다. (to happen to them or it)
7. religion that believed its duty was ~ : that 이하가 religion을 수식. believed 다음에 that이 생략된 것. its duty가 ~ 이었다고 믿었던 종교.
8. on behalf of ~ : ~을 위해서 ; ~를 대변해서. (for, in or referring to their interests, or on their account ; speaking or acting, etc as a representative of someone or something)

William Wilberforce and his group of friends profoundly changed the political and social climate of their time. Wilberforce was a convert of the religious revivals that transformed 18th-century England. His life and his vocation as a Member of Parliament were profoundly changed by his newfound faith; Wilberforce became a force for moral politics. His mentor, John Newton, who worked in the slave trade before he became a minister, became well known for writing the beloved hymn "Amazing Grace." Later, he used his influence as a religious leader to lead the battle against slavery. In the light of his efforts, we can read his immortal words "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me" not merely as a testimony of private guilt and piety, but also of turning away from the sin of trafficking in human flesh. His conversion produced a social and political transformation as well as a personal one.

1. profound(ly) : 급진적이고, 광범위하고, 멀리까지 미치는 것 ; 지식을 깊이 천착해 들어가는 것. (radical, extensive, far-reaching, deep ; penetrating deeply into knowledge)
2. convert : 다른 종교나 의견을 가지게 되는 것 ; 다른 상태나 조건으로 변화시키는 것. (to win over, or be won over, to another religion, opinion, etc ; to change from one state or condition into another)
3. a convert of the religious revivals that transformed ~ : ~를 변형시킨 종교적 부흥 시기에 기독교 신앙을 받아들이게 된 자.
4. His mentor, John Newton, who ~ , became ~ : who ~ 는 삽입절로, mentor를 설명하는 관계대명사의 서술적 용법으로 쓰였다. mentor의 서술어는 became.
5. the beloved ~ : 사랑받는 ~ .
6. immortal : 죽지 않는, 영원한, 영원히 기억되는(것). (lasting forever, perpetual ; to be remembered forever)
7. how sweet the sound : ‘how+형용사+the+명사’는 감탄문. ‘그 소리가 얼마나 달콤한지.’
8. wretch : 비참하고 운이 없는 가엾은 사람, 또는 가치 없고 경멸 받을 만한 사람 ; 후안무치의 악인. (a miserable, unfortunate and pitiful person ; a worthless and despicable person ; humorous a shamelessly wicked person)
9. testimony : 증거, 또는 진실이나 사실의 선포. (evidence ; a declaration of truth or fact)
10. not merely as a testimony of ~ , but also of ~ : also 다음에 testimony가 생략된 것으로 보면 된다. 여기서는 not merely as a testimony of A but also (a testimony) of B의 구문으로, ‘A의 증거로서뿐 아니라, B의 증거로도’의 의미.
11. the sin of trafficking in ~ : traffic하는 죄. traffic에 ing이 붙으면 trafficking이 된다. 전치사 in과 함께 쓰이면, ‘특별히 불법적으로나 부정직하게 다루거나 거래하는 것’을 뜻한다. (traffic in ~ : to deal or trade in it, especially illegally or dishonestly)

The same became true of Wilberforce, who first heard Newton speak when he was young but regarded his real conversion as confirmed following a series of conversations in 1785-86. At the conclusion of their conversations, Newton said: "The Lord has raised you up for the good of the church and the good of the nation." Two years later Wilberforce introduced his first anti-slave-trade motion into Parliament. It was defeated, and would be defeated nine more times until it passed in 1807. It was a historic and moral victory, but Wilberforce wouldn't be satisfied until slavery was abolished altogether. A new Wilberforce biography notes, "probably the last letter" John Wesley ever wrote encouraged Wilberforce: "Oh, be not weary in well-doing. Go on, in the name of God and in the power of His might." Wilberforce continued working tirelessly toward that goal, year after year. Finally, in 1833, the House of Commons passed a bill abolishing slavery, and Wilberforce died three days later, his work finally done.

1. Wilberforce, who first heard ~ but regarded ~ : who는 Wilberforce를 가리킨다. who에 걸리는 서술어는 heard와 regarded이다.
2. motion : 동작이나 행위, 또는 움직이는 능력 ; 회의의 공식 토론에 내놓는 제안. (the act, state, process or manner of moving ; the ability to move a part of the body ; a proposal for formal discussion at a meeting)
3. wouldn't be : 여기서 would는 will의 과거형으로 쓰였다.
4. altogether : 완전히, 전체적으로 ; 모든 것을 고려하여. (completely ; on the whole ; taking everything into consideration)
5. A new Wilberforce biography notes, "probably the last letter" John Wesley ever wrote encouraged ~ : John Wesley ever wrote는 the last letter를 꾸며주며, notes(동사) 다음에 that절이 온다고 보면 된다. that(여기서는 쉼표가 that을 대신한다)절 안의 주어인 the letter의 서술어는 encouraged.
6. weary : 완전히 지치다, 녹초가 되다 ; 질리다 ; 지치게 하고 지루하고 재미없는. (tired out and exhausted ; fed up with it ; tiring, dreary or irksome)
7. well-doing : 덕행, 선행 ; 번영, 건강, 행복, 성공 ; 선량한, 친절한 ; 근면한.
8. his work finally done : done은 수동태. 그의 일이 마침내 이뤄진 채로.

SIMILARLY, in 19th-century America, religious revivalism was linked directly with the abolition of slavery and movements of social reform. Christians helped lead the abolitionist struggle, efforts to end child labor, projects to aid working people and establish unions, and the battle to obtain voting rights for women. Here were evangelical Christians fighting for social causes, an activity that evangelicals have not been associated with in more recent times. Nineteenth-century U. S. evangelist Charles Finney didn't shy away from identifying the gospel with the antislavery cause. He was a revivalist and also an abolitionist. For him, the two went together.

1. helped lead : lead하는 걸 도왔다. helped 다음에 to가 오기도 한다.
2. lead the abolitionist struggle, efforts to ~ , projects to ~ , and the battle to ~ : lead의 목적어가 ‘the abolitionist struggle,’ ‘~ 하는 efforts,’ ‘~ 하는 projects,’ 그리고 ‘~ 하는 the battle’이다.
3. Here were evangelical Christians fighting for social causes, an activity that ~ : were 다음의 주어 문장이 길어서 here(부사)가 앞으로 오고, 동사 were가 따라 나온 도치 구문. evangelical부터 causes까지가 an activity that ~ 과 동격.
4. shy away(or off) ~ : ~로부터 움츠리거나 꺼려함을 보이다. (to shrink from something or recoil, showing reluctance)
5. go(went) together : 함께 가다(있다), 서로 붙어 다니다 ; 공존하다, 어울리다, 조화되다 ; 마음이 맞다.

Wilberforce's life is a testament to the power of conversion and the persistence of faith. I have often said that I am a 19th-century American evangelical born in the wrong century. But now, a new generation of evangelical students and pastors is coming of age. Their concerns are the slavery of poverty, sex trafficking, the environment, human rights, genocide in Darfur, and the ethics of war and peace. Whether they know it or not, they are really 19th-century American evangelicals (or 18th-century British evangelicals) for the 21st century.

1. testament : 유언장 ; 증거나 보답 ; 하나님과 인류 사이의 언약. (a will ; a sign or evidence of something valuable, effective, worthy of praise, etc ; proof, evidence or tribute ; a covenant between God and humankind)
2. persistence : 저항이나 어려움, 낙담 등에도 불구하고 (착실하게) 지속하는 것. (to continue with it in spite of resistance, difficulty, discouragement, etc ; to continue steadily)
3. born in the wrong century : born은 수동태로 앞에 who was가 생략된 것.
4. wrong : 여기서는, ‘옳지 않는, 잘못의, 적절하지 않은’의 뜻으로 쓰였다. (not correct, mistaken, not appropriate or suitable)
5. come of age : 성년에 이르다, 어른이 되다 ; 충분히 발달하다. (to become legally old enough to have an adult’s rights and duties)
6. Whether they know it or not : 그들이 그것을 알든 모르든지.

Recently, I was preaching at an evangelical Christian college in the American Midwest. I called for a new generation of Martin Luther Kings and William Wilberforces. Afterward, two young women were waiting to talk to me at the end of a long line of students. When they finally got their turn to speak, they looked me straight in the eye and said, "We are going to be the next Martin Luther King Jr. and William Wilberforce, and we just wanted to tell you that." I told them I was glad to meet them now before they became famous! But they were serious, and so was I. The history from earlier centuries can inform a new generation of Christians in the struggle about how to reunite faith and social justice for our time. I know two young Christian women who will be eager to read it.

1. call(ed) for ~ : ~을 큰소리로 부르다, 또는 청하다. ~을 필요로 하다, 요구하다. (to collect or fetch them ; make a demand or appeal for it)
2. ~ Kings and ~ Wilberforces : 고유명사인 이름 뒤에 s를 붙이면 'King과 같은 사람들, Wilberforce와 같은 사람들'이 된다.
3. so was I : 나도 그랬다. I was serious, too.
4. inform A about ~ : A에게 ~ 대해서 알려주다.
5. a new generation of Christians in the struggle : 고투하고 있는 새로운 기독 세대.
6. how to reunite A and B for ~ : 어떻게 ~를 위해서 A와 B를 reunite하는지.

An important new movie is about to be released, Amazing Grace: The Story of William Wilberforce. Sojourners previewed the film for the first time in the U.S. at our September 2006 conference in Pasadena, California. I was impressed and moved by the Wilberforce saga and believe America will be too. Along with the film a new campaign is arising called "Amazing Change" which is focused on modern- day slavery - that's right, modern slavery. In his book Not For Sale, which will accompany the Wilberforce film, David Batstone writes:

1. is about to ~ : 막 ~ 하려고 하다.
2. release : 붙들린 상태에서 자유롭게 하다, 놓아주다 ; 짐이나 고통을 덜어주다 ; 뉴스나 정보 등을 공개적으로 알리다. (to free a prisoner, etc from captivity ; to loosen one’s grip and stop holding something ; to relieve someone who is suffering something considered unpleasant, such as a duty, burden, etc ; to make news, information, etc known publicly)
3. saga : 중세의 전설적인 영웅이나 사건에 대한 산문체 이야기 ; 세부적이고 긴 이야기 ; 일련의 긴 사건들. (a medieval! prose tale of the deeds of legendary Icelandic or Norwegian heroes and events ; any long detailed story ; a long series of events)
4. along with ~ : ~와 함께(같이) ; ~와 협력하여 ; ~에 더하여, ~이외에.
5. is arising called ~ : ~라 불리며 일어나고 있다.
6. accompany : ~와 함께 가다 ; ~와 함께 행해지다(발견되다). (to come or go with someone ; to be done or found with something)

Many people bristle to hear the word slave used to describe the modern practice of exploitation. . . . Indeed, more slaves are in bondage today than were bartered in four centuries of the transatlantic slave trade. Nowhere has its impact been felt more brutally than on children in the underdeveloped nations. Slaveholders prey on the defenseless, and children so easily become vulnerable. The U. N. report Ten Million Children Exploited for Domestic Labor . . . indicates that children remain in servitude for long stretches of time because no one identifies their enslavement.

1. bristle : 동물이나 사람의 머리카락이 꼿꼿하게 서는 것 ; 명확하게 화나 분노를 보이는 것. (said of an animal’s or a person’s hair, to stand upright and stiff ; to show obvious anger or rage, etc)
2. used to ~ : used는 수동태. 'hear A B'(A가 B하는 것을 듣다)의 형태. B는 동사원형, 수동태 등의 형태로 쓰인다.
3. barter : 돈 없이 상품이나 서비스를 거래하거나 교환하는 것. (trade or exchange goods or services without using money)
4. more slaves are in bondage today than were bartered in four centuries of the transatlantic slave trade : today와 four centuries ~ trade를 비교하고 있다. than과 were 사이에 slaves가 생략된 것으로 보면 된다.
5. Nowhere has its impact been felt more brutally than on ~ : nowhere가 앞으로 와서 문장이 도치되어 서술부(has been felt)에서 has가 주어(its impact) 앞에 왔다. ‘~에 대해서보다 더 잔인하게 그 영향이 느껴지는 곳은 아무 데도 없다.’
6. prey on : 먹이로서 사냥하거나 잡다 ; 희생물로 괴롭히고 착취하고 폭력을 가하다 ; 극단적으로 고통을 가하다. (to hunt or catch another animal as food ; to bully, exploit or terrorize as victims ; to afflict them in an obsessive way)
7. the defenseless : ‘the + 형용사’는 ‘그러한 사람들.’ defenseless는 ‘무방비의, 방어할 수 없는’이란 뜻. 즉, the defenseless는 ‘(스스로를) 방어할 수 없는 사람들.’
8. vulnerable : 육체적으로나 감정적으로 쉽게 다치거나 상처를 입는 ; 쉽게 유혹당하거나 설득당하는 ; 육체적이거나 언어적인 공격에서 보호받지 못하는. (easily hurt or harmed physically or emotionally ; easily tempted or persuaded ; unprotected against physical or verbal attack from them)
9. servitude : 노예 상태, 예속 상태. (slavery; the state of being a slave)
10. stretches : 한 차례, 또는 일정 기간의 시간. (a spell ; a period of time)

We preview the book in this issue. Read it and get involved. A new generation of abolitionists, perhaps, is about to be born.

1. involve : 필요한 부분을 요구하거나 참여하게 만들다 ; 영향을 미치다 ; 감정적으로 관심을 갖게 되다. (to require as a necessary part ; to cause them to take part or be implicated in it ; to have an effect on someone or something ; to become emotionally concerned in it)
2. get involved : 참여하다. 또는 ‘관심을 가지다’라는 의미도 함축한다. 



Jim Wallis is editor-in-chief of <Sojourners>.
* 해설 / 최봉실




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